87 research outputs found

    Auto-Sizing Neural Networks: With Applications to n-gram Language Models

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    Neural networks have been shown to improve performance across a range of natural-language tasks. However, designing and training them can be complicated. Frequently, researchers resort to repeated experimentation to pick optimal settings. In this paper, we address the issue of choosing the correct number of units in hidden layers. We introduce a method for automatically adjusting network size by pruning out hidden units through ℓ∞,1\ell_{\infty,1} and ℓ2,1\ell_{2,1} regularization. We apply this method to language modeling and demonstrate its ability to correctly choose the number of hidden units while maintaining perplexity. We also include these models in a machine translation decoder and show that these smaller neural models maintain the significant improvements of their unpruned versions.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Why Does Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Generation Fail? An Explanation and a Solution

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    Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer is when a multilingual model is trained to perform a task in one language and then is applied to another language. Although the zero-shot cross-lingual transfer approach has achieved success in various classification tasks, its performance on natural language generation tasks falls short in quality and sometimes outputs an incorrect language. In our study, we show that the fine-tuning process learns language invariant representations, which is beneficial for classification tasks but harmful for generation tasks. Motivated by this, we propose a simple method to regularize the model from learning language invariant representations and a method to select model checkpoints without a development set in the target language, both resulting in better generation quality. Experiments on three semantically diverse generation tasks show that our method reduces the accidental translation problem by 68% and improves the ROUGE-L score by 1.5 on average.Comment: Findings of ACL 202

    Towards Being Parameter-Efficient: A Stratified Sparsely Activated Transformer with Dynamic Capacity

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    Mixture-of-experts (MoE) models that employ sparse activation have demonstrated effectiveness in significantly increasing the number of parameters while maintaining low computational requirements per token. However, recent studies have established that MoE models are inherently parameter-inefficient as the improvement in performance diminishes with an increasing number of experts. We hypothesize this parameter inefficiency is a result of all experts having equal capacity, which may not adequately meet the varying complexity requirements of different tokens or tasks. In light of this, we propose Stratified Mixture of Experts (SMoE) models, which feature a stratified structure and can assign dynamic capacity to different tokens. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SMoE on three multilingual machine translation benchmarks, containing 4, 15, and 94 language pairs, respectively. We show that SMoE outperforms multiple state-of-the-art MoE models with the same or fewer parameters.Comment: Accepted at Findings of EMNLP 202

    Condensing Multilingual Knowledge with Lightweight Language-Specific Modules

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    Incorporating language-specific (LS) modules is a proven method to boost performance in multilingual machine translation. This approach bears similarity to Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) because it does not inflate FLOPs. However, the scalability of this approach to hundreds of languages (experts) tends to be unmanageable due to the prohibitive number of parameters introduced by full-rank matrices in fully-connected layers. In this work, we introduce the Language-Specific Matrix Synthesis (LMS) method. This approach constructs LS modules by generating low-rank matrices from two significantly smaller matrices to approximate the full-rank matrix. Furthermore, we condense multilingual knowledge from multiple LS modules into a single shared module with the Fuse Distillation (FD) technique to improve the efficiency of inference and model serialization. We show that our LMS method significantly outperforms previous LS methods and MoE methods with the same amount of extra parameters, e.g., 1.73 BLEU points over the Switch Transformer on many-to-many multilingual machine translation. Importantly, LMS is able to have comparable translation performance with much fewer parameters.Comment: Accepted at the main conference of EMNLP 202
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